EverSmile Attends American Association of Orthodontists Convention
The annual American Association of Orthodontist convention took place this past weekend and you know we had to bring our bright smiles. It was the most successful show in our company’s history! We were able to showcase all of our wonderful products and debut our new and highly successful FastTrack. FastTrack is our new vibrating aligner chewie device used as a dental appliance seater made to aide in the fitting of orthodontic aligners during orthodontic treatment.
We also brought our custom branded version of WhitenFresh™! Remember that little article we wrote about the newest product you’ve gotta have?! Well, we had our WhitenFresh formula at AAO inside custom printed PromoSprays™. Want to see your logo on our products? Well it’s your lucky day! If you missed our specials at the AAO that's okay. We have 15% off on all of our products! All you have to do is use Code: AAO17 to be able to get your custom printed PromoSprays.
During the AAO Convention we were able to gauge international interest in our products. Big shout out to Spain! Our products are now available in Malaga and we couldn’t be happier. Malaga is located in Southern Spain Costa del Sol near some of the most beautiful yellow sand beaches. Make sure to get WhitenFresh and WhiteFoam while living la vida loca en España.
Lastly, we want to thank all of our EverSmile staff who continue to make all of this possible. We love you and those pearly whites!
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